Elevate Your Success, Grow Your Business Through Partnerships & Share Ideas of "What's Working Now.

Welcome to the only professional network dedicated to business owners who speak at live and virtual events to inspire, educate, add value and offer their products & services from the stage.

The Speakers Alchemy Network is a carefully curated community of talented business people who generously share their knowledge, skills, resources and support with each other. Membership enables speakers to achieve greater success, growth through partnerships and larger profits.

Want to be part of a private group of accomplished speakers to help you grow your speaking-based business through building relationships, alliances, collaborations and sharing ideas of what's working now?

That's what the Speakers Alchemy Network is about.

As Australia and the world adjusts to living with COVID, there is enormous pent-up demand for the experiences people have been denied, such as dining at restaurants, attending music concerts, travelling for holidays and, of course, live events.

If you're considering alternatives to live events, like online summits or hybrid live/online events, you'll find some of our members doing that with great success and willing to share how.

We’ve assembled a unique “brains trust” of people with the mastery, knowledge, and experience needed to grow a profitable business based on making offers from the stage, whether online or live.

Join the Speakers Alchemy Network where you can:

  • Tap into skills development opportunities and become a better, more profitable speaker

  • Be introduced to, network to build relationships and do business with other speakers - joint ventures, co-marketing, and speaking opportunities

  • Receive support, encouragement, and feedback from like-minded peers who are in the same type of business as you

  • Join an exclusive, private forum for sharing tips, ideas, "what's working now", and much more

Introducing the first & only group for speakers who sell from an online or live stage: the SPEAKERS ALCHEMY NETWORK.

What You Will Get

Here's what the SPEAKERS ALCHEMY NETWORK delivers for members:

The Speakers Alchemy Network is designed to elevate you to greater success, with more attendees, higher sales conversions and greater profits.

Why This Network?

Until now, there has been no place for speakers who sell from stage to meet with their peers, network, share ideas, do business together and improve their skills.

There are many networks for keynote, corporate, and entertainment speakers to get together, but this is the only one for speakers who sell from the stage, both at live events and online.

Compared to keynote speaking, the breadth and depth of skills required to build a business on stage sales is much greater. The business potential of selling from stage is also far greater, with the most skilled speakers doing 7 and 8+ figures in revenue.

This network is unique and much needed. It's a place to be inspired, learn from your peers, contribute, and collaborate. We're stronger together and we all grow together in the Speakers Alchemy Network. We're inviting you to be a part of it.

What Members Say About The Speakers Alchemy Network


Business Growth Strategist






Founder, Australasian Constellation Intensive


Founder, Website Love


Founder & Director, Inspired 2 Nurture


Transformational Sales & Marketing Agency

"Karen and Ken's Speakers Alchemy Network blew my mind and over delivered in its very first meeting.

I learnt proven strategies on how to convert 60%+ of attendees to the next step of their development from live or online events.

Strategies that I did not think were possible!

The diversity of this network is amazing, full of experienced business owners that are excelling in their chosen field. I am looking forward to our continued monthly meetings and the growth & value to come."


Carroll Consultancy Group


Founder, A To Z Formula

Meet Your Hosts:

Karen Corban and Ken Wood

Karen Corban

Ken Wood

Meet Your Hosts:

Karen Corban and Ken Wood

We ran our event promotion business, Universal Events, for 22 years, producing events from 10 to 4,500 attendees, in 7 countries.

At its peak, our business ran 120-140 live events per year.

In total, we hosted 509,000 attendees at 1,208 live events that ran for a combined 3,148 days (8 years, 7 months).

Our speakers generated $94 million in total sales from the stage at those events.

During that time, we worked with 110 incredible speakers from around the world.

In some cases, they were new to speaking when we met them and weren't yet well known. We raised their profiles and built a following for them as we filled their events.

We helped them to get their brand and positioning right, showed them how to tune up their presentation, and we coached them on their sales offer to produce strong & consistent results from the stage. Many of those speakers went on to very successful careers that continue to this day.

By the end of 2014, we were ready for a change and decided to retire from running our own live events.

We wanted to continue with the part of our previous business that we enjoy the most: helping speakers, coaches and business people to be successful in the industry.

Today, through our EVENT FILLER business, we mentor clients on the key elements of their speaking business that drive profitability, from their presentation & sales offer, to their business model & product range, to marketing to fill events.

"Six months ago, we started with nothing. Now we've got a business that is increasing in revenues, increasing in size, and more important, we've got a blueprint to follow.

We've had assistance from Karen and Ken in setting up all the databases, the websites, the email marketing tools, the webinars and the automation of everything. They also assisted us with our live preview events.

In the last six months we've had a tenfold increase in our database and with two national tours, we've managed to get 1,100 people sitting in front of me."


Small is the New Big

"My first event was 204 people - I was blown away, I felt like Justin Bieber!

My first 5 events we had about 1,000 people overall. Why? Because Karen & Ken knew what they were doing. They showed me how to send out to a list, how to promote the event, how to put on the event and how to sell at the event.

In a short period, of about 6 months, I was able to really hone my skills in terms of events, putting them on and making money from them... Thank you, Ken and Karen."


The Institute of Wow

"As the largest property networking group in the country, we run over 50 events per year. So I thought I knew a thing or two about running events.

Attending the Six Figure Presentation Design workshop has taken my business to the next level.

It was the little 1% things that did the trick, things like room layout and setting the room mode for the audience. Literally dozens of tips just like these have meant that my in-room events have higher audience engagement and hit higher sales conversion rates.

Thanks to Ken and the team, my next problem is that now I need to hire bigger rooms."


Property Developer Network

"The very first program I went into was a new one, Karen and Ken were introducing. It must have had about 30 or 40 people in the room.

Within two years they built that program into 2,000 or 3,000 people at each event.

I saw some amazing growth! I've seen Ken and Karen drive their company in a pretty special way, with integrity and a real passion to deliver the absolute best educational programs you can find anywhere in the world."



"If you are even thinking of running an event then you need to become part of Karen's community today.

With expertise in both smaller intimate events and events with several thousands of people and all the logistics that entails, Karen knows more about events than anyone I know. Her generosity and charm combined with real world strategies will help you get results fast."


JV School

"I'd like to thank you personally, because way back in the beginning you shared some advice with me and you always had time for me when I wanted something to run by you. Some of that advice that has got me here today: you guys have been the platform that's allowed me to go out and do what I love.

I know I'm just one of many people who can tell a very similar story."


"I had a lot of experience with online presentations such as webinars, but I had no experience in crafting presentations to sell from stage. I knew that there were techniques and strategies that I didn't know about.

Attending the Six Figure Presentation Design workshop has been a game-changer for me. The workshop covered everything I was hoping it would cover in terms of crafting a presentation to sell from stage. I was surprised by the number of invisible techniques that high-level professionals use to sell from stage. Ken taught me about stagecraft, engaging the audience, body language, techniques for breakout rooms, and discussions, among others, all aimed at keeping the audience engaged. The script template provided is gold, and the material shared during the workshop was immediately transferable to a webinar script, which I will be applying first.

I would highly recommend Ken's Design Workshop to any speaker looking to sell from stage or hold successful live events. Ken's experience in working with high-level speakers and condensing that down to a concise document has placed him in a unique position to teach from a place of knowledge and experience that not many others can match. Thank you, Ken!"


Testimonial Express

"As I transitioned from working for someone else to successfully launching my own training company, coaching business and events management company, it was only possible because of the skills that I was mentored in, taught and coached by Karen and Ken."


Global Coaching And Speaking Authority

Who Is This For?

The SPEAKERS ALCHEMY NETWORK is for anyone who speaks at live events to offer their products and services, including:




Online Courses








Business Services


Coaching Programs


Professional Advice

Members who join the network to grow their revenue and profits by:

  • Improving their stage presenting skills

  • Increasing their sales conversion rates

  • Learning new marketing strategies to fill their events with ideal prospects

  • Optimising their product range and customer ascension path

  • Finding speaking opportunities on other stages

  • Forming strategic alliances with complementary businesses

  • Building an effective affiliate program to reach new clients

  • Seeking advice from peers who understand the platform selling business, both offline and online

How Does It Work?

The foundation of the SPEAKERS ALCHEMY NETWORK is an email list exclusive to members. Through this list members can contact the network, participate in online discussions and receive announcements of events from members.

Zoom meetings and other online events are organised at regular intervals for members to attend.

Members are encouraged to organise meetups in their local area.

Members also receive login details to a personal membership portal, where resources (e.g. training materials, Zoom meeting recordings etc.) are posted for download.

A Few Rules:

In order to maximise the value of the network for everyone, we ask members to abide by a few commonsense rules:


Whether you're experienced or new to speaking, your knowledge and insights are valuable to other members. We aim to foster a spirit of generosity.


We want the network to be a welcome, supportive environment for everyone. Please treat all members with respect and kindness.


Please commit to attending as many meetings as you can. We want to hear from you! When you have a question: ask, because most likely someone else will want to know the same thing too. When you have a thought: share it, because your insight will help someone else to understand. Your participation will add value for other members as well as yourself.


We're all about success in the business of speaking and selling from stage at live events and online trainings, webinars or summits. Let's stay focused on that.


If you have information that can help another member, please share it with no strings attached. No opt-ins, no affiliate links, no sales pitches. We want you to find opportunities to collaborate and do business with other members, and that's likely to happen organically through networking with other members.

Our aim is to get to know you and guide you towards collaborating with JVs, strategic alliances and co-speaking gigs.

What We Learned From Meeting The World's Most Charismatic Speaker


"I know someone who'd be perfect to speak at your event! He's an amazing presenter, the best I know. His presentations are truly masterful; I guarantee you've never seen anything like it before. Your clients will love him. Trust me; you have to get him for his event!"

With such a firm endorsement, how can we possibly say no?

So I emailed Matthew and offered him the speaking slot, sight unseen - something I'd never done before. He quickly accepted and booked a flight to Sydney from his home in Florida.

I got busy and barely thought about Matthew again until we met him in person, the day of his presentation.

It was the third day of a four-day marketing workshop, with 150 business owners in the room. Our speaker introduced Matthew to the attendees, and in the first two minutes, we understood why he had such rave reviews as a speaker. Everyone was captivated.

Matthew's presentation got each of us to reconnect with our deepest goals & dreams. He inspired hope & optimism as he made us laugh. He told an intensely vulnerable story about the breakdown of his marriage and reaching the darkest point of his life. He explained how he dug himself out of a hole and used the experience to drive himself forwards to eventual success. And he showed us how he carries a reminder of those dark times with him even today and used it to keep himself on track to his goals.

As he spoke, Matthew walked the length & breadth of the room, connecting with every single attendee there, looking them directly in their eyes.

We glanced around and saw he had the undivided attention of 100% of the attendees. Not a single person was talking to another attendee. When Matthew paused between sentences, the room was pin-drop silent. Everyone was fully immersed in his presentation.

We had never seen a speaker connect with their audience as deeply and profoundly as Matthew did that day. It was his superpower, hard-won through years of experience speaking each week, from one end of the USA to another. Every attendee felt that he knew them, he cared about them, and he was personally invested in their success.

Less than halfway through his presentation, the attendees were ready to follow Matthew anywhere. If Matthew had been a general inspiring his troops, they wouldn't have hesitated to climb out of their trenches and charge the enemy.

However, that day was not about war but sales. As he approached the end of his presentation and began the sales offer, Matthew started to wobble a bit for the first time, and his polished facade began to crack.

Matthew usually taught investment strategies to mum & dad investors, and that program was what he sold, week after week, at events in the USA.

We’d invited him to speak at a marketing workshop for business owners. He said that was fine; he’d recently developed a training program for business owners, and he could offer that for the first time at our event. The content seemed like a match, so we agreed.

As he gave his sales presentation, Matthew kept forgetting what he was selling that day. One minute he’d talk about business; the next minute, he’d make references to investing. He’d given his presentation on investing so many times it had become deeply embedded in his unconscious mind. As he struggled to stay on topic with business, he kept slipping back into his more familiar investment presentation.

At the back of the room, I wanted to tear my hair out as I watched things unravel. The attendees didn’t understand what on earth Matthew was talking about. Salespeople are taught, “The confused mind doesn’t buy”, so I knew it was over. The attendees were confused; Matthew’s sales pitch was falling flat; his offer was doomed. We wouldn’t be making any revenue that day.

It turned out we were wrong.

My first indication was when the client sitting next to us turned and announced, “I’ve got no idea what he’s selling, but I want to buy it!”

Wow, that was weird.

And she wasn’t the only one…

When Matthew finished speaking, most of the room crowded around the sales desk, buying something they didn’t understand but just knew they wanted. They wanted more of Matthew, and that was how to get it.

I’d underestimated how much strong emotion and a deep connection with the speaker could carry the sale, even for someone who doesn’t understand the offer.

It’s a very lucrative superpower indeed. Our day hosting the most charismatic speaker in the world turned out to be very profitable after all.


Are you connecting emotionally with your audience like Matthew does? Do your attendees break into a buying frenzy during your sales offers?

Building a deep connection with your attendees is one of the keys to profit for a speaker. An opportunity to learn and refine that skill from someone who’s mastered it will be extremely valuable for your business.

While Matthew is a MASTER of connecting emotionally with event attendees, he’s not necessarily who you’d ask for advice on filling a room, delivering effective customer service or ensuring your events run smoothly. Frankly, those aren’t his strengths.

However, various members of the SPEAKERS ALCHEMY NETWORK have mastered each of those things and the other elements of the speaking business. They’re happy to share what they’ve learned with you, and all they ask is that you share what you’ve learned in return.

We’ve assembled a unique “brains trust” of people with the mastery, knowledge & experience needed to grow a business based on selling from the stage. All that’s missing is you.

Join us and find the tips, techniques and strategies to explode your speaking business and exceed your goals.

Your Next Step

Membership of the Speakers Alchemy Network is by invitation. We curate the group to ensure the members have a generosity of spirit, excel in their field and their expectations are aligned with the purpose of the Network.

Each prospective member has a conversation with Karen or Ken to answer any questions, ensure that they are clear on what the network offers and we're clear on what you're seeking. If you're a match for the network and the network is a match for you, then you'll be invited to join.

To get more information and book a time to discuss joining the network, click the button below.


Proudly brought to you by Universal Stars Training Pty Ltd.

PO Box 685, Mackay QLD 4740 Australia

Australian Business Number (ABN): 56 167 942 636