
Welcome to this website, www.speakersalchemynetwork.com, created and managed by Universal Stars Training Pty Ltd.

The information included on this website includes various financial figures (revenues, profits, business valuations and others) quoted from clients of Universal Stars Training Pty Ltd. Every effort has been made to ensure these figures are accurate.

Universal Stars Training Pty Ltd makes no representation and gives no warranty to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided and does not accept responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies in, or omissions from, this information. The information provided is for general purposes only and it does not purport to be comprehensive or to render specific advice.

The information provided on this website, and product/services sold via this or other websites owned by Universal Stars Training Pty Ltd, are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings.

Your level of success from using this information and/or products/services will depend upon the money and effort you invest, as well as your level of skills, experience and knowledge. Since these factors vary between individuals, we cannot guarantee your level of success from following the advice or instructions that we provide.

The testimonials and case studies featured on this website do not represent the average or typical results achieved by our customers. In particular, some customers make no use whatsoever of the products purchased from us, and because of this, they achieve no results at all.

By continuing to use this website and/or purchasing a product via this website, you agree and accept that Universal Stars Training Pty Ltd makes no representations and provides no guarantees that our information, products or services will produce any result for you. Furthermore, you agree and accept that Universal Stars Training Pty Ltd is not responsible for your success or failure.


Proudly brought to you by Universal Stars Training Pty Ltd.

PO Box 685, Mackay QLD 4740 Australia

Australian Business Number (ABN): 56 167 942 636